Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pink Doll Project Update - Lookie at 'Love Squared'

Wow....Monica and everyone over at the Pink Doll Project HQ! She is breathtaking.

Come over and see all of the wonderful talent and generosity displayed here!

Thanks again Monica for making this collaborative project just come alive with creative healing, celebration and solidarity to kick cancer in the you know what. I am looking forward to the next project!

1 comment:

girlgonethreadwild said...

You are incredible! Our doll is in CA undergoing her photo shoot for one of the ADQ issues (don't know which yet) and the article is in the works now as I type this. You, us, we are all amazing to come together to bring light on the seriousness of breast cancer, but above all else we gave our all, exposed our hearts and brought Love Squared to fruition. BRAVO! for us! We rOCK!!!!! Big hugs to you, Monica :)