Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I have been Tagged!

Well what a surprise this Wednesday....I was tagged with a meme by Doves Today. It was originally started by A Girl Named Timmi.

Here is the gist of the meme -Name 4 things you should know about me before you invite me to your house:

1. I clean up after myself...I hate to have my hostess clean up after me....even tho they offer to take my cup or something...I don't want to have them worry about a mess, even a small one.

2. I really LOVE animals, cats especially!

3. I am easy going. I do love to chat, but I am mostly a listener.

4. I love to hear all about those items in your house that have neat stories attached to them.

Then tag 4 others to play along then those people tag 4 have been tagged

Maryjane @ The Beehive Cottage
Heather @ Heather's Heartfelt Stitches
Luna @ Blueball Mountian Spindle Needleworks
Ria the Renaissance Chameleon


Glennis said...

Thanks for playing!!

Glennis said...

Hi, Amy!! thanks for playing! Love your blog!

Bee Haven Bev said...

Amy, you sound like a delightful houseguest. You'll have to stop by on your next trip through PA!

Blueball Mountain Spindle and Needle Works said...

Oooh fun! Gotta get my list going!
