Saturday, September 06, 2008

Pink Saturday PJ Party

For this week's Pink Saturday, I was not really sure on what I wanted to "showcase". Then, while I was cleaning and putting away some laundry yesterday (my usual Friday chore), I came across some pink pajamas. They remind me that tho I need to do my 'grind' work...I need to remember to take the time to relax too! Enjoy a great RELAXING Pink Saturday!

Hope that you all have a grande Pink Saturday and hope you all go visit all of the other great "Pink Participants"....make your next stop over at How Sweet the Sound!


Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Amy.

Pink pajamas are fun. I sitting here in my pink nightgown now. I also have a pink marker in my hand. I'm trying to get myself into a pink mindset. ;-)

SmilingSally said...

Well, I have a red top on, but shh! Let's say it's a deeeep pink. Yeah, that's it! Happy Pink Saturday!

Glennis said...

This is a very relaxed Pink Saturday post indeed! How refreshing! Have a happy one!

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

A PINK PJ Party sounds fun!

~ Gabriela ~

Virginia said...

Happy Pink Saturday! There nothing like pink pajamas.
Blessings, Virginia

Crystal ~ CJO Glassware & Gifts said...

I love pajamas, especially if they're pink. If I had my druthers, I'd never get out of PJ's.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Love the pink pj's. Hope you find time to put them on and relax today. :0)

Kathy said...

Cute pj's!


I bet these are as cozy as they look. I ran across a pair of pink and black pajamas today too - will have to save them for another pink Saturday!

Darlene said...

I hope you did have a relaxing Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Amy, love those PJ's. Relax and smell the roses. maybe they will be pink. Smile


Anonymous said...

Good advice for all - love your relaxing clothes. Have a Wonderful Day.

Marina Capano said...

Hi! Happy pink saturday! what a nice pink pajamas! so cute
visit me anytime...



Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Great Pink Saturday psot and I love the pj's!
